Trying to feel some kind of Christmas spirit....

Christmas this year is extra hard on us all, with covid ..the year as been shit and we have all been hit one way or another. People have lost loved ones, jobs, depression and anxiety is on it highest its ever been. I'm not ashamed to say I'm struggling, this time of year is hard enough since loosing my parents I find Christmas hard and I struggle with depression and anxiety, I normally go to my nieces and spend Christmas with them but with covid I cant. 
I cant imagine Christmas for many of you that are suffering financially or emotionally with loosing family and friends to this awful virus. At the moment I am dealing with a brother that as terminal cancer and the doctors only gave him days to live but he's fighting ever day, he also as dementia and when I last saw him it broke my heart to see how much he as deteriorated, his partner is also ill with stomach cancer, and my niece to my brother is pregnant with her first child so he wont see his grandson born or grow up, Its so painful. 
But for those of you that have children you just have to keep fighting and at least to make there Christmas something kind of special one way or the other.
 Being on SL is a helping distract my thoughts and paving the way to helping me trying to cope, so please don't say why are you on SL if your going through this atm.We all have different ways of coping and living alone this is my way.
I wanna wish all of you and merry Christmas and all the best for 2021 

Wearing - 

Hair - DOUX - Valentine @ Dubai
Skin - Glam Affair - Lelutka Skin - Riona @ Access
Antlers + Twig  - TRIGGERED - Deer Santa @ Epiphany
Outfit - adorsy - Marina SET @ Cosmo
Neck Tattoo - Stars Neck TaTToo Black [CAROL G] @ Cosmo 
Rings - Meva Jimena Rings Advent Gift 


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